Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How-To-Make: Broccomole--Broccoli Guacamole

Still clinging to your New Year's resolutions? We have the ultimate appetizer/dip recipe for you! This unique take on the classic guacamole recipe is a bit different and might not appeal to everyone, but with 1/3 the calories of regular guacamole and twice the protein and less fat, this Broccomole dip takes the cake. Broccomole, you say? This amazing dip isn't made with avocados but rather broccoli, which helps cut down the fat and calories while still remaining extremely healthy for you. Believe us when we say, its brocco-licious!


How-To-Make: Traditional French Onion Soup

Warm soup is great on cold days and nothing warms the soul better than a hot cup of savory french onion soup. This traditional take on a classic recipe is the perfect meal for anyone not in the mood to cook an elaborate meal, or just wanting to enjoy the nostalgic taste of warm delicious french onion soup. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Newsletter Recipe: Chicken Cacciatore

Trying to figure out what to make for dinner tonight? If you're short on ideas or want to experiment with something new this weekend, do we have the recipe for you! This Chicken Cacciatore recipe is hands-down the easiest and most flavorful chicken cacciatore we've ever made. Spice dinner plan up this weekend with Chicken Cacciatore. 


  • 6-8 chicken thighs - skinless, bone in
  • salt/pepper
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 onion - minced
  • 2 carrots - chopped
  • 2 ribs of celery - chopped
  • 28 ounces diced tomatoes
  • 2/3 cup white wine
  • 8 ounces mushrooms - sliced
  • Italian Flat Leaf Parsley - roughly chopped


How-To-Make: Egg Stuffed Potatoes

One of the great things about eggs is you can literally use them for any dish. Whether you're making breakfast, lunch or dinner, eggs are a great, and healthy, way to spruce up any recipe..including baked potatoes. This Egg Stuffed Potato recipe is only extremely easy to make and you won't believe how much better your stuffed potatoes will taste!


Thursday, January 10, 2013

How-To-Make: Chocolate Lava Cake

Today is National Bittersweet Chocolate Day and what better way to celebrate then baking up mouth-watering Chocolate Lava Cake. This easy to replicate recipe doesn't require a lot of complicated directions and bakeware so you, and your loved ones, can easily make this at home. Celebrate Bittersweet Chocolate Day in fashion this year with this amazing Chocolate Lava Cake recipe. Remember---If it doesn't get all over the place, it doesn't belong in your face!


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How-To-Make: Dr. Oz Cinnabon Cinnamon Roll Recipe

If you're a huge fan of Cinnabon, you're going to go gah-gah over this scrumptious recipe. Not only are these cinnamon rolls super delicious and easy to replicate, but they contain half the calories and half the fat of normal cinnamon rolls! This guilty-free recipe is adapted from Dr. Oz and has everything you know and love about cinnabon without all the fat and calories, making it our #1 weekend breakfast recipe. Try it today!


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Butterfinger Cookie Dough Cheesecake Bars Recipe

If you love cookie dough, cheesecake or butterfingers, you're going to be ecstatic about this recipe. These Butterfinger Cookie Dough Cheesecake bars are the ultimate dessert for anyone you know with a major sweet tooth. Don't like butterfingers? No problem! This recipe easily allows you to swap out the butterfinger for your favorite candy bar. Reward yourself with something decadent and try this recipe today!